Umbland asha din link in link…sau cum imi place mie “din liana in liana”…ia ghici peste ce dau pe Wikipedia – The free Encyclopedia , care apropo este shi in limba romana , dau peste definitia asta:
Romanian profanity (înjurătură) refers to a set of words considered blasphemous or inflammatory in the Romanian language.
Shi stai asha ca mai urmeaza…ne da shi exemple din cele mai variate…shi explicate shi “mot a mot” in engleza shi cu expresia echivalenta din engleza dupa cum urmeaza:
Peşte, which literally means fish, colloquially refers to a pimp. The women who work for a peşte are: cur*ă, târ*ă, traseistă, and muis*ă. Muistă refers to a prostitute who specializes in fellatio. There is a male equivalent, mui*t that means “cocksucker” and generally refers to a homosexual male. Târfă also means “bitch” in some contexts.
…One example used in both English and Romanian is “tool,” which in Romanian is sculă. P**ă, which is the Romanian equivalent of “dick”, is the most common slang term for the penis. (It is frequently used in the expression “ce p**a mea“, the Romanian equivalent of “what the fuck”.)…
Pi**ă, which is phonetically identical to its many Slavic cognates (including Polish, Slovenian, Russian, Rusyn, Serbian and Bulgarian), is a common word for the external female genitalia (…) is an equivalent to “cunt” in English.
As in English with phrases such as “go fuck yourself,” Romanian has many common (and sometimes lengthy) vulgar interjections.
- mănânci c**at: literally “you eat shit” roughly equivalent to “talk shit” in English
- sugi p**a: one of the most commonly used Romanian profanities, it literally means “you suck cock,” generally used to mean “blow me”
- ce p**a mea ?: literally “What my dick,” equivalent to “what the fuck” in English. Expresses a state of confusion, frustration, uncertainty. It is also used in place of simply “ce” as a strong intensifier (as in “de ce p**a mea,” meaning “why the fuck”)
- mă p*ş pe tine (pe voi)!: “I piss on you!”
- du-te în p**da mă-tii: “Go back into your mother’s pussy” (literal translation); formal meaning: “Go fuck your mother”.
- du-te în p**a mea: “Go inside my dick” (literal transaltion; it means being penetrated by one’s cock); formal meaning: “Fuck off”.
Shi exemplele ar putea continua…daca vretzi sa vedetzi shi restul datzi un click aici: Romanian Profanity
Numai asta ne mai lipsea….sa vina un american sau cine stie ce natzie…shi sa inceapa sa ne “f*ta” shi sa “isi bage” in noi shi in neamurile noastre…
o doamneee….chiar nu crezi pana nu vezi…